Eye Floaters Relief®


Floaters. Shapes. Dots. Dust.
Get Relief with Eye Floaters Relief®.

Eye Floaters Relief® Eye Drops is a homeopathic eye drop designed to be used on an as needed basis to provide temporary relief for symptoms such as shapes and squiggly lines in vision, floaters, dark-dots, and dust particles in your vision. Eye Floaters Relief® is safe and gentle to use, with no known side effects, interactions with other medications, or contraindications.

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What are Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are small spots that appear in your vision as black or grey strings, squiggly lines, cobwebs, or specks that can appear almost “see-through”. They can appear to be drifting across your field of vision, and often move out of sight when you make an effort to focus on them. They can be seen most easily when your eyes are focused on a bright, plain background such as a piece of paper of a blue sky.

What causes Eye Floaters?

The most common cause of floaters is the aging and deterioration of the vitreous. The vitreous is a gel-like substance that makes up most of your eye. As we age, this substance becomes more liquefied. During this process, it is common for the microscopic protein fibers that make up the vitreous to clump together- casting tiny shadows on your retina. The shadows we see are called floaters. These changes to your eye can happen at any age, but more commonly affect those between 50 and 75.

Should I see a Doctor?

While floaters are usually caused by the natural aging of the eye, there are some other conditions that may cause eye floaters. These conditions include inflammation in the back of the eye, bleeding in the eye, a torn retina, eye disease, an injury to eye, eye surgery, or an eye tumor. For these reasons, we always recommend consulting your doctor or physician if you are experiencing an increase in eye floaters, an onset of new eye floaters, darkness in vision, peripheral vision loss, flashes of light in your eye, or eye pain. Risk factors that may increase your chance of floaters include bring over 50 years of age, nearsightedness, eye trauma, complications from cataract surgery, and diabetic retinopathy.

What is Eye Floaters Relief®?

Eye Floaters Relief® is a homeopathic eye drop designed to be used on an as needed basis to provide temporary relief for symptoms such as shapes and squiggly lines in vision, floaters, dark-dots, and dust particles in your vision. Eye Floaters Relief® is safe and gentle to use, with no known side effects, interactions with other medications, or contraindications.


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