Nutrifill Saline Solution


Contamac Solutions




Nutrifill is a preservative free lens insertion solution specifically designed for scleral lens wearers and the wearers of hybrid and gas permeable contact lenses. It has been physiologically formulated to mimic your body’s natural tears.

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What is Nutrifill?

Nutrifill is a preservative free lens insertion solution specifically designed for scleral lens wearers and the wearers of hybrid and gas permeable contact lenses. It has been physiologically formulated to mimic your body’s natural tears.

Contains: sodium, phosphate, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. All essential ions found in our tears.

Manufactured in the USA!

Why Nutrifill?

Nutrifill is a patented formulation designed to mimic your body’s essential tears.

Along with the 5 natural electrolytes to help contribute to a healthier ocular environment as you wear your lenses, Nutrifill also has a pH (7.4) and osmolality (300) to simulate the natural tear.

The only FDA cleared insertion solution containing the 4 additional electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphate).


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